COTMAN™ Crop Software Overview

COTMAN™ software uses cotton crop monitoring techniques to summarize crop developmental status, detect stress, and assist with in-season and end of season management decisions. It was developed by the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture with major financial support from Cotton Incorporated and through collaboration with colleagues at Mississippi State University, Louisiana State University, Texas A & M University, Virginia Tech, University of Arizona, University of Georgia, Clemson University, Arkansas State University, and USDA
COTMAN™ software is a crop information system based on in-season plant monitoring.
The COTMAN™ computer software makes it easy to enter data and generate the reports used to make management decisions. It is divided into two parts:
- SQUAREMAN is used to monitor crop development up to time of first flowers. Reports provide feedback on square retention and plant stress.
- BOLLMAN is used when the crop is flowering to monitor boll-loading stress and to assist with end- of-season crop termination decisions. A non- computer version of BOLLMAN is available.

Target Development Curve
A quick comparison to the Target Development Curve tells if crop pace is too slow, too fast or right on track for a high and early yield. Crop curves can detect stress.
Data Collection
At first square, field stand counts and average first fruiting node number are recorded. From first square to first flower, ten plants at each of four sites in a field are monitored weekly for the presence or absence of first-position squares.
From first flower until cutout, nodes-above- white-flower (NAWF) counts are recorded weekly from ten plants at each of four sites per field.
From cutout until defoliation, daily high and low temperatures are recorded from a local weather source.
COTMAN™ Software Information
- Square retention
- Plant and fruit numbers per acre
- Graph of crop developmental pace
- Flowering date of the last effective boll population (cutout)
- Dates when bolls are safe from damage by fruit-feeding insects — bollworms, tobacco budworms, stink bugs and plant bugs
- Dates when crop is ready for defoliation
COTMAN™ Software Supports GPS Functions
- GPS locations are saved for sites in COTMAN™ Mobile.
- A field border can be created with the GPS in COTMAN™ Mobile
- COTMAN™ Mobile displays a map showing the field border, the locations of the sites, and the location of the GPS unit.
Computer Requirements
The software requires Windows XP or later operating system, Explorer 6 or FireFox, and a minimum of 50 MB free hard drive space.
COTMAN™ Software Availability
The software is distributed to U.S. growers at no charge. To obtain a copy, complete and submit the request form found on the COTMAN website . More information can be found on this website.
COTMAN™ software was developed with support from Cotton Incorporated.
*COTMAN™ software development has been supported by U.S. grower funds, and distribution is restricted to locations in the U.S.