Cotton Market News Feed
Corporate Strategy and Program Metrics utilizes market data to understand cotton’s competitive position in the global supply chain. These data include U.S. and global cotton market fundamentals, U.S. macroeconomic indicators, cotton’s presence at retail, and consumer trends. Three publications are issued on a regular basis to enable the cotton industry to make informed decisions.
Executive Cotton Update
Overview of key macroeconomic indicators impacting the world’s cotton supply chains with focus on downstream demand.
Monthly Economic Letter
Unique analysis of the latest events affecting the world cotton supply and demand situation and world cotton prices.
Cotton Marketing Planner
Dr. John Robinson’s newsletter provides a grower level view of risk management from cotton factors to price insurance being part of a cotton marketing plan to increase profitability.
Cottonseed Market Prices
Market prices for the current year.
Cotton Marketing Weekly
Dr. O.A. Cleveland, Cotton Marketing Analyst writes his weekly comments providing an outstanding view of events in the world and the United States.