Cotton Incorporated
Cottonseed Research and Marketing
The Cottonseed Research and Marketing Program strives to maximize cotton-grower profit from seed. We are improving seed quality and handling characteristics.
Our website dedicated to the cottonseed.
Whole Cottonseed a Super Feed for Dairy Cows
Whole Cottonseed has energy, protein and fiber in greater concentrations than many other feedstuffs
EasiFlo™ Cottonseed Research
The handling characteristics of whole cottonseed are improved by coating with gelatinized cornstarch
Cottonseed Storage
For every bale of cotton ginned approximately 800 pounds of seed must be handled from beneath the gin stands and placed either in a temporary or long-term storage facility
Cottonseed Goes With The Flow
Cottonseed that handles like whole shelled corn? EasiFlo, offers new opportunities for feed suppliers that have previously been unable to handle cottonseed.