Stripper Harvester
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Brashears, A.D. 1986. Variable spacing of cotton stripper rolls. ASAE Paper No. 86-1083. Presented at the 1986 Annual ASAE Meeting, San Luis Obispo, Calif. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE.
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Brashears, A.D. 1992. Configuration of brushes and bats on cotton strippers. ASAE Paper No. 921035. Presented at the 1992 Annual ASABE Meeting in Charlotte, N.C. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE.
Kirk, I.W., T.E. Corley, and F.A. Kummer. 1970. Performance relations for a saw grid seed cotton cleaner. Transactions of the ASAE 13(2): 171-176.
Supak, J.R., K. Stair, and A.D. Brashears. 1992. The influence of a stripper roll modification on harvest efficiency and foreign matter contents of stripped cotton. p. 578-580. Memphis, Tenn.: National Cotton Council of America.
Wanjura, D.F, and A.D. Brashears. 1983. Factors influencing cotton stripper performance. Transactions of the ASAE 26(1): 54-58.
Wanjura, J.D., G.A. Holt, R.K. Byler, A.D. Brashears, R.V. Baker. 2009. Development of a highcapacity extractor cleaner for cotton stripper harvesters: Machine design and optimization. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 52(6): 1821-1829.