Each year, Cotton Incorporated sponsors more than 400 research projects with universities, USDA and private cooperators across the United States. The majority of these projects are aimed at improving production efficiency and profitability.
Not only is Cotton Incorporated sponsoring projects, but there is also a significant amount of agricultural research sponsored by state universities and federal agencies. Cotton Incorporated’s Agriculture and Environmental Research Department has developed the Cotton Cultivated website to help users find cotton specific information as quickly and easily as possible.
Cotton Cultivated provides a portal that integrates websites, downloadable documents, social media and real-time news feeds that have been “cultivated” in an effort to reduce the time spent sorting through pages of irrelevant search results.
Visit CottonCultivated.Cottoninc.com

Displays recent cotton related stories from agricultural media sources as well as current cotton market reports (fiber and seed), and the latest crop quality report summarized by Cotton Incorporated.

Provides current weather conditions along with access to the latest Focus on Cotton Webcasts and a video library featuring short tutorial videos on various aspects of cotton production.

Materials in this section are downloadable and may be filtered by growing region and topic.

Materials in this section are trusted resources that are useful across the spectrum of the cotton growing community. All of the resources in the directory link to an outside website.