Elementary & Middle School In-Classroom Cotton Curriculums
Take your students on a surprising journey from fashion to farm to the science lab with standards-based activities that start with something literally close to their hearts — their clothing — and end with a look at agricultural and recycling practices that help sustain the environment and make our world a better place.
In partnership with Young Minds Inspired, the STEM-based teaching kits engage students with hands-on classroom lessons and activities about cotton science and sustainability.
The program offers no-cost lesson plans for Grades 4-6 and 5-8, plus a video-based digital whiteboard activity students can also explore on a home computer.
In 2021, 17,500,000 bales of cotton were produced in the United States. One bale of cotton weighs approximately 480 pounds and can make 690 bath towels or 215 pairs of jeans.

Cotton has been grown and used to make fabric for at least 7,000 years.
The U.S. dollar bill contains 75% cotton. One bale of cotton can make 313,600 $100 bills.

Cotton is natural and grown from the Earth.
Cottonseed oil is used as an ingredient in bread, cereals, and snacks, including potato chips.

Scientists have found a way to make cottonseed edible for humans, which could make it an inexpensive food source for millions of people around the world.
In 2021, 537 million pairs of adult and kids’ jeans were sold in the United States.