2009 Conservation Tillage Conference Proceedings

- Cotton Presentations
- Cropping Systems For Conservation And Profitability
- Double Cropped Cotton After Wheat Response To N Rates
- Cotton/Corn Rotations: Yield Response Variations And Factors That Influence Them
- Soil Acidity And pH As Influenced By N-Fertilization And Irrigation
- Management Strategies Against Southern Root-Knot And Reniform Nematodes In Cotton
- Tillage Systems And Cover Crops In Cotton Production: Do Higher Fuel And Fertilizer Prices Matter?
- Improving Furrow Irrigation With Help Of “Phaucet” Computer Program
- Rice Presentations
- Herbicide Performance In Stale Seedbed Rice Production
- Evaluation Of Conventional And Reduced Tillage Practices On Optimum Seeding Rate, Nitrogen Fertilization Rate, And Yield Components
- 2008 Water Conservation Experiments Abstract
- Managing Nitrogen In Rice With Precision: Is It Possible?
- Insecticidal Seed Treatments And Conservation Tillage
- Precision Agriculture Presentations
- How Can Geospatial Technologies Help Improve Farming Efficiency
- Use Of Active Sensors To Monitor In-Season Nitrogen Status Of Cotton
- Making The Most Of GPS Guidance Technology On Your Farm
- Corn Presentations
- Interaction Of Seeding Rates And Nitrogen Rates For Twin-Row Corn Production In The Mississippi Delta
- Indepth Corn Hybrid Selection
- Insecticide Seed Treatment (IST) Strategies For Increasing Field Corn And Soybean Yields In Conservation Tillage Production Systems
- Soybean Presentations
- Late Fall/Early Winter Herbicide Application: A New Approach To Managing WinterWeeds In Louisiana
- Managing Soybean Diseases In Reduced Tillage Systems