Cotton Incorporated
Ginning Research

Preserving lint and seed quality during the ginning process is a priority to the producer and the U.S. cotton industry. Cotton Incorporated has several on-going projects to address this issue, primarily at the USDA, ARS ginning laboratories, including:
- Overall strategies to improve gin performance and maximize fiber quality preservation (USDA,ARS, Las Cruses New Mexico). This project includes development of rolling ginning techniques for upland cotton and methods to minimize seed coat fragments in fragile seed varieties.
- Development of a low cost microwave bale moisture sensor (USDA, ARS, Lubbock TX).
- Testing to determine if urban air quality standards can fairly be applied to gin operations (All USDA, ARS gin labs; Oklahoma State University).
- Evaluation of energy use at the gin (USDA, ARS gin lab, Stoneville, MS).
- Efforts to develop innovative approaches to lint cleaning are supported at all three USDA gin labs.
- Additional advances in ginning have resulted from work done in support of Cotton Incorporated’s cottonseed program to develop Easiflo Cottonseed. This includes development of the Power Roll gin stand and new uses for cotton gin by-products.