Cotton Incorporated
2023/2024 US Cotton Fiber Chart

Properties of the Growing Regions
View a collection of USDA American Upland cotton crop data from a specific crop season organized by USDA classing office with data totals and averages. Including explanations of programs from the EFS® System software suite and an HVI® Color Chart.
Grades of U.S. Cotton – Official Standards
View a list of each color grade and its symbol for white, light spotted, spotted, tinged and yellow stained American Upland cotton. The leaf grade for each color grade of white cotton are also shown.
Classification of Ratings of Fiber Properties
View a legend of how to interpret fiber property ratings for upper half mean length, fiber elongation, uniformity, fiber fineness, fiber maturity ratio and fiber strength for the fiber chart data.
Bale Sizes
View the average bale weight and average net bale weight; bale size in inches for length, width and thickness at the bale ties listed by gin; and the universal densities System International of units(SI) in meters for American Upland cotton.
HVI® Color Chart
View a chart that shows the graphic plot of the distribution of reflectance (Rd) and yellowness (+b) for American Upland cotton. It includes color grades for white, light spotted, spotted, tinged and yellow stained cotton.