2007 Conservation Tillage Conference Proceedings

- Cotton Presentations
- Adapting The Dryland Wheat-Sorghum Fallow Rotation For Use With Dryland And Deficit Irrigated Cotton
- Productivity And Net Returns From Best Management Practices (BMP) Cropping Systems
- Research Results For Yield And Whole Farm Net Return With Spindle Picker Harvester Cotton In 15-Inch Row Patterns In Mississippi
- Cotton Lint Yields Following Corn And Cotton In Rotation
- The Evolving World Of Marestail Control
- Cotton Aphid Population Dynamics And Control Strategies In Conservation Tillage Cotton Fields
- The 2007 Farm Bill And The Outlook For U.S. Cotton Producers
- Managing Cotton Diseases In Reduced Tillage Systems
- Twin Row And Narrow Row Cotton Production Systems
- Conservation Tillage Strategies For Corn, Sorghum And Cotton
- Conservation Vs Conventional Tillage, Double Cropping And Cover Crop Effects On Crop Production And Water Use In Subtropical South Texas
- Rice Presentations
- A No-Till Rice Mindset And What No-Till Rice Can Do To Enhance Your Natural Resource Base
- First Comes The Seed – Then The Stand
- Planting Rice In A Field Of Uncertainty
- Performance Of Hybrid Rice In A Furrow Irrigation System
- Water Conservation From Reduced Tillage And Land Forming
- The Use Of Sub-Surface Drip Irrigation For Rice
- The Interaction Of Variety, Seeding Rate And Nitrogen On Sheath Blight Incidence And Severity
- Changes In Rice Production Brought About By Reduced Tillage
- Trends In Texas Rice
- Rice Nutrition Studies For Mississippi River Alluvial Soils
- Economics Of Zero-Grade Rice Systems In Arkansas
- Progress Managing Stem Borers In Texas Rice
- Impact Of Herbicide Drift On Rice
- Sorghum Presentations
- Producing Quality Forage Sorghum Silage
- Sorghum As The Queen Of Residues For Conservation Tillage
- Growing Dryland Crops In Clumps To Conserve Water
- Corn Presentations
- Influence Of Row Configuration, Single Versus Twin-Row, And Cultural Practices On Corn And Grain Sorghum Yield On Mississippi River Alluvial Soils
- Soil Quality And Crop Root Enhancements – Instigated By Strip-Tillage
- Soybean Presentations
- Effect Of Soybean Row Spacing On Yield: Twin-Row vs. Narrow- And Wide-Rows
- Precision Agriculture Presentations
- Precision Agriculture Approaches To Nutrient Management Of Cotton
- Site-Specific Nematode Management In Cotton Production