Cotton Incorporated
Technical Services & Implementation

Technical Services and Implementation (TSI) supports the global textile market by working to maintain critical relationships through service and a strong industry presence. TSI staff works closely with industry partners to bring Cotton Incorporated technologies to the market, and provides quality technical services to production partners. TSI staff service the cotton textile market through three distinct channels:
- Mill Implementation – TSI works closely with internal research and technical staff to help introduce developed research to the cotton industry. This is accomplished on a global scale by working closely with mills, brands and retailers in the industry by assisting in the implementation of Cotton Incorporated technologies and processes into various supply chains.
- Product Testing –TSI oversees testing of products using Cotton Incorporated developed technologies as well as routine industry testing of yarns and fabrics. Assisting mills, brands, retailers and Cotton Incorporated marketing staff with the execution and establishment of testing requirements for newly adopted technologies is a critical service that ensures quality cotton products are introduced into the market.
- Technical Service – TSI provides routine technical service to the textile industry through the oversight of testing and evaluation of problem fabrics and processes, helping with problem-solving in the areas of cotton processing. Routine issues such a barre, immature cotton, wet processing, fiber spinning, knitting and weaving are common issues that cause the industry to turn to Cotton Incorporated for assistance. TSI staff works closely with an expert research and technical staff at Cotton Incorporated to provide answers and solutions to most any technical issue. TSI staff also assists with new product ideas, and helps connect industry contacts with specific needs to those in the industry who can support those needs.