Air Jet Filling Insertion 

A shuttle-less filling insertion system developed in the 1950s that uses a jet of air to propel the filling yarn across the warp shed. This is currently the fastest conventional method of pick insertion.
Related Terms:
- 1 x 1 Rib
- 2 x 1 Twill
- 2 x 2 Rib
- 2 x 2 Twill
- 3 x 1 Twill
- 5-Harness Satin
- 8-Harness Satin
- Air Jet Filling Insertion
- Air Jet Spinning
- Air Jet Weaving
- Back Wale
- Bale
- Bale Plucker
- Ball Warp
- Ball Warp Dyeing
- Basket Weave
- Beam Creel
- Beat-up
- Bedford Cord
- Belt Compactor
- Calendering
- Cam – Knitting
- Cam Plan
- Cam Shedding
- Carding
- Chain Plan
- Chemical Finishing
- Chevron
- Circular Knitting
- Cleaning
- Color
- Combing
- Compaction
- Construction (of fabric)
- Corduroy
- Counter (Satin)
- Counter (Twill)
- Course
- Course Count
- Creel
- Crepe Weave
- Cross Dye
- Cut
- Cylinder
- Dent
- Dents Per Inch
- Dial
- Dial Height
- Digital Ink Jet Printing
- Direct Dyes
- Discharge Printing
- Dobby Fabrics
- Dobby Loom
- Dobby Shedding
- Double Knits
- Drawing
- Drawing-In
- Drawing-in Draft
- Drop Wire
- Drum Drying
- Dyeing
- EFS® System (Engineered Fiber Selection)
- Embossed Roll Calendering
- Ends Per Inch
- Engraved Roll Padder
- Engraved Roller Printing
- Enzymes
- Face Wale
- Fell-of-the-cloth
- Filling
- Filling Insertion Methods
- Flat-Bed Knitting Machine
- Flat-bed Screen Printing
- Float Stitch
- Foam Finishing
- Functions of the Loom
- Gaiting
- Gap Sander (sueder)
- Garment Dip Finishing (Immersion)
- Gauge
- Hand Spinning
- Harness
- Heat Transfer Printing
- Heated Roll and Shoe Compactor
- Heddle
- Herringbone
- Horizontal Padder
- HVI Testing (High Volume Instrument Testing)
- Indigo Dye
- Interlock
- Interlock Gaiting
- Jacquard (Weaving)
- Jacquard Knitting
- Jacquard Loom
- Jacquard Shedding
- Kiss-roll Padder
- Knife-over Finishing
- Knit Stitch
- Knitting
- Knitting Cycle for Latch Needle
- Latch Needle
- Laydown
- Left-hand Twill
- Let-off
- Loom
- Loom Beam
- Loop Drying/Curing Oven
- Mercerization
- Mercerized Cotton (Yarn)
- Metered Addition
- Miss Stitch
- Multi-cell Blender
- Multi-roll Sander
- Napping
- Open End Spinning
- Overfeed
- Oxford Weave
- Pick Insertion
- Picks Per Inch
- Pigment
- Piqué – woven
- Plain Weave
- Plied Yarn
- Pointed Twill
- Ponte de Roma
- Post-cure Finish
- Pre-cure Finish
- Print Paste
- Printing
- Printing – Fabric Considerations
- Projectile Filling Insertion System
- Rapier Filling Insertion
- Re-beaming
- Reactive Dyes
- Reed
- Reed Number
- Relaxation Drying
- Resin Finishing
- Resist Printing
- Rib Gaiting
- Right-hand Twill
- Ring Spinning
- Riser
- Rotary Screen Printing
- Roving
- Sanding
- Sateen
- Satin
- Schreiner Calendering
- Screen Engraving – Galvano Method
- Screen Engraving – Lacquer Method
- Screen Engraving – Laser Method
- Selvage
- Shearing
- Shedding
- Shuttle Weaving Insertion System
- Singeing
- Single Jersey
- Sinker (knitting)
- Slasher Creel
- Slashing
- Sley
- Soil and Stain Repellent Finish
- Spray Finishing
- Stitch Length
- Stop Motions (weaving)
- Sueding
- Sulfur Dyes
- Take-up
- Tenter Frame
- Thread Count
- Threads Per Inch
- Transfer Printing – Garments
- Tuck Stitch
- Twill
- Twist
- Union Dyeing
- V-bed Knitting
- Vat Dyes
- Velvet
- Velveteen
- Vertical Padder
- Wale
- Wale Count
- Warp End
- Warp Knitting
- Water Jet Filling Insertion
- Water Repellent Finish
- Weave Design
- Weaving
- Weft Knitting
- Whip Roll
- Wrinkle-resistant Finish
- Yarn Numbering